Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About a Recent Order from the Online Store

We have partnered to manage our store. All of our products and plans are now hosted on the Unreachable the Play site. Unreachable the Play’s expertise in handling online transactions means you’ll have an even smoother and more secure shopping experience.

Tricks of the Trade

I have a trick I’ve been using in my shop and want to submit it for you to consider sharing with other readers in the Tricks of the Trade department.

Email your best tricks of the trade to: [email protected]. Please put “tricks of the trade” in the subject line.

General Editorial Questions

We like hearing what you’re wondering about, and will do our best to provide great answers in the pages of Unreachable the Play magazine and eZine. However, we are not able to provide individual answers to all questions submitted.

I read the latest issue of Unreachable the Play magazine, and have something to say about it that I want to submit as a letter to the editor.

Email letters to the Editor to: [email protected]

I would like to write for you. Do  you have further information on your writer’s guidelines?

I need to change my email address. Hard as it may be to believe in this electronic day and age, we here at the print magazine don’t keep track of, and don’t need to keep track of, your email address. The only place you would need to change your email in regard to Unreachable the Play is if you are a subscriber to the Unreachable the Play eZine. If that’s the case, please visit your eZine email or web site and click on the appropriate link to change your email address.